28 March 2016

Tangible Karma Day: April 5

KarmaThe Buddhist belief that whatever you do comes back to you, e.g. if you do something good, something good will happen to you, and vice versa.

Giving of your time, of your love, of your talents, of your “extras”… Tangible Karma™ Day (the first Saturday in April) celebrates when giving feels as good as receiving.   Nationwide, groups and individuals set aside one hour of this day to purposefully become aware of the needs of those they are in contact with and actively do something to help fulfill those needs.

Some of the ideas that others have incorporated into this event have included:

House Parties: An individual has a give-away party in which everyone brings something to donate. The host registers a Tangible Karma pack to his or her email address, then keeps a list of which donated item is paired with which guests. When a response arrives, the host can forward it to the correct individual.

Even Ally McBeal and Indiana Jones get in on the act.
Visiting or volunteering at a shelter: Becoming aware of the needs of a charity first-hand can make it much clearer which of your goods would be needed and appreciated.  Helping to serve the daily hot meal is another great way to connect with those who need you.

Help a friend: This may be the perfect opportunity for you to help someone you know gain the courage and incentive to let go of things that no longer enhance their lives. Tangible Karma Day is a wonderful time to offer your support and encouragement to a friend going through some tough times.

If you or your group have a special event planned in conjunction with Tangible Karma Day, let them know and they may share your story on their website.

"My mom and I spent Tangible Karma Day together cleaning out our closets.  It was a great way to spend time with her.  I'm always on the go and even though we live in the same house we rarely see each other.  It's also great to know that the clothes and purses I gave away will be appreciated by someone and I'll know about it!!!  I'm excited to see the responses."

- Courtney, Chicago, IL, 2007 participant
(c) Copyright 2014 Robyn King.  All Rights Reserved.

Source:  http://tangiblekarma.com/organize.php
(c) Copyright 2014 Robyn M. King. All Rights Reserved.