Finals are coming! Six tips to prevent from going into freak-out mode
suspect that many students on our campus are in freak-out mode right
about now. Finals are around the corner, and the pressure to do well is
- Schedule and plan! Don't wait until the last minute or try to take studying all on at once.
- Find a place to study that is relatively free of distractions. If there's a lot going on at home or in your apartment, think about using the library or other quiet place.
- Turn off all social media and your phone. This time is important, and you need to say no to outside distractions.
- Gather all of the materials from the course for which you're studying: textbook, notes, quizzes, exams, study guides, something to write with. Having everything you need in close proximity will keep you focused.
- Break
up the time you'll need to study into smaller, more manageable chunks.
For example, set a timer for a specific amount of quiet, uninterrupted
study time (45 minutes to an hour) and focus, focus, focus. Then give
yourself a break for 15-20 minutes to have a snack, bathroom break or go
outside for some fresh air. Then get back to it. Repeat as necessary.
- If it's helpful to have a study buddy or a group with you, go for it. Just git 'er dun, cuz cramming never works. Ever.
(c) Copyright 2014 Robyn M. King. All Rights Reserved.
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